Friday, October 4, 2013

Form Information

Please include this information on your forms where indicated:

-Title of Work: Give your art a title! Please don't forget this important step.

-Grade Division: Find your grade and check the box.

-Arts Category: Find your category and check the box.  2D Art is defined as a picture you can hang on the wall.  Other visual art is considered 3D.

-Category Specifics: Fill in any information asked about your specific category.  For example, if your entry is literature, you need to write down the number of words in your entry.  If it's a film or dance, you need to write down the background music. 

-If English is your second language, mark the box.

-Artist Statement: THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! If you'd like to score well, you need a good artist statement that ties your artwork to the theme, "I Matter Because...". In 10-100 words, describe your work and how it relates to the theme.  Young children or special artists who cannot write clearly may have another person write the statement for them, but it should be written/typed exactly as the artist dictates.

This section is for your local Reflections chair to complete with your school information. You can just leave it blank
and we'll fill out this part!

2020-21 Reflections Theme: "I Matter Because..."

It's time for the annual PTA Reflections Contest!  Whether you're new to Reflections, or if you've entered before, this site wi...